Feb 262010
I have been forgetting an important lesson in my life, I need to remember to count my blessings. With all of the struggles we experience in life, we often times get boggled down with feeling sorry for ourselves. It is wonderful when we can read something that is a gentle reminder to slow down and celebrate our life. I love how at the beginning of the book, words from the Hymn “Count Your Many Blessings” is quoted:
“So amid the conflict whether great or small, Do not be disheartened, God is over all;
Count your many blessings, angels will attend, Help and comfort give you to your journey’s end.” -Johnson Oatman Jr, “Count Your Many Blessings,” Songs for Young People, 1897
Kerry Blair has written a short book,comprised of inspiring stories and essays. It is small enough to slip into your purse, computer bag, etc. and pull it out to read a chapter. Even with all of the many huge novels I have been reading lately, this book is like a close friend to comfort me after a hard day. It is split into three parts with smaller chapters found in each part.
-Part One: Counting Blessings
-Part Two:Counting the Best of Now and Here
-Part Three: Counting on the Promises
One chapter that touched me so much is called, “A Bequest of Wings”. This is how it starts…
“Bad things do happen to good people. Sometimes the worst things happen to the best people. Right now, a handful of the best people I know are facing the most difficult things I can imagine-cancer, the serious illness of a parent, abandonment and divorce, and the death of a child. I wish I knew what to say to them. “
Kerry then wrote of when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. She couldn’t understand why God was letting this happen to her. She goes on to explain some wonderful, healing things that she read. The thing that I loved reading the most was this, a quote by Margery Wilson in 1917, as the world contemplated the War to End All Wars:
“Though life seems to challenge us harshly at times, to make us eat bitter bread with the sweet, nevertheless, if we will stop wailing and look we will see a sustaining arm across our shoulders, the arm of infinite love-and if we listen we can hear a voice whispering, ‘Deep within you is the strength to bear anything, the nobility to be willing to do so, and the intelligence to create magnificently and beautifully, come what may.”
I know sweet Kerry has been through many challenging things in her life, but she is still smiling. I know that her trials probably wear her soul down, but she is still so loving and kind to those around her. You can just feel this love when you are in her presence. I can assure you that reading this book, “Counting Blessings” will lift your spirits high and give you the strength to carry on day after day. I have felt this lift the past few weeks as I have pondered the words in this book.
This is Kerry Blair’s first full-length work of non-fiction (published in 2008) and has eight published novels with Covenant. She lives in Arizona and I know that she would love to hear from you.
You can e-mail Kerry at kerrylynblair@aol.com
Thank you Kerry, for sharing your wonderful humor and joy with the world through your writing.

This is Kerry at last years Whitney Awards Gala, after winning the lifetime achievement award.
2 Responses to “Counting Blessings: Wit and Wisdom for Women By Kerry Blair”
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I LOVE Counting Blessings by Kerry Blair. It is very witting and touching at the same time. The book has much wisdom and food for thought. I will read it over again many times and will love it each time.
Counting Blessings is the perfect little gift. Every time I buy a copy for myself, I end up giving it away so someone else can enjoy it.