May 232010

Time Flies

One month ago today I was enjoying my first day ever at LDStorymakers Conference in Provo, UT. The sights and sounds have faded a bit in memory, but I was taken back to relive the excitement and energy of the conference listening to the podcasts that will be posted today and tomorrow. Part 1 of the LDStorymaker podcasts is available here.

The two days I spent at the Conference were a much needed step “out of the norm” for me, and it’s no surprise that within a few days of stepping back into my life, LIFE took over, derailing my plans to get the large amount of material we collected during those two days posted within a week. But that’s okay. After a month, it’s nice to revisit the whole conference experience again. Take a few moments on this one month anniversary of the 2010 Storymakers Conference and relive it with me. It’s almost like being there all over again.

Part 2

In Part 2 of our LDStorymakers Conference 2010 podcast, we meet up with Josi Kilpack and Heather (H.B.) Moore. They are two of the sweetest women and are always willing to take a few minutes to speak with LDSWBR. Both Heather and Josi taught classes at the LDStorymakers Conference. Josi dishes out some goods about her next book, Key Lime Pie, due to be released in August 2010. Heather shares her experiences with researching and writing her first nonfiction book, Women of the Book of Mormon: Insights and Inspirations.


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