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Title: Rearview Mirror

Author: Stephanie Black

Publisher: Covenant

Published Date: Sept 2011

Softcover; 316 pages

ISBN# 978-1-60861-463-9

Genre: Mystery-Suspense

Reviewed by: Shanda, Sheila & Mindy

FTC FYI: free review copies in exchange for an honest review

Shanda’s Review

I should not have started Rearview Mirror on a windy night while my husband was out of town.

There are some seriously creepy things that happen in this book. I questioned my sanity a couple of times, read until I couldn’t keep my eyes open, and then hoped this would be one of those nights that I wouldn’t remember my nightmares dreams.

Rearview Mirror was a page turner that I didn’t want to put down. At one point I gasped out loud and almost screamed with the main character. I read the next few pages with my hand covering my mouth. I’m sure my eyes were wide with shock at a certain turn of events. I was guessing at characters until the end, going back and forth on who I thought was guilty.

I enjoyed the side stories with the secondary characters. The author kept them integral to the story but brief enough to not become too distracting from the main storyline. Several of the characters became people I wouldn’t mind reading more about in the future.

Rearview Mirror gets a solid 4.5 out of 5 stars from me for being a creepy story that kept me guessing until the end.

Sheila’s Review

Stephanie Black is well known for her wonderful mystery/suspense books. She has won several Whitney Awards for her writing and they have been well-deserved. She always has a way of drawing you into the story from the first paragraph.

Rearview Mirror starts with something happening that will leave your mouth hitting the floor. Boom! The mystery starts, and you are left wondering who “did it” after reading the first two pages.

There are several story lines taking place in the novel, but they soon weave together as you try in vain to figure out who killed several people. Just when you think you have figured out who is behind all of the dirty deeds (there is also the possibility that more than one person is responsible) another possible bad guy/gal is thrown into the suspects’ spotlight. You feel like you are being bounced all over the place as you keep changing your mind about who is the real killer.

Fiona Claridge, the main female character, is struggling with physical and emotional challenges from an accident many years earlier. Her best friend was killed in the car accident and Fiona was driving. Fiona may appear weak at times, as she feels the pressure of her past mistakes and the current stalker making her life miserable. You soon realize that Fiona is stronger than you think as she attempts to attack her problems head on.

Rearview Mirror can be read in one sitting, if you are lucky enough to have the time. I did not want to put this book down. I played a game of UNO Attack with one hand and held the book in the other. I am happy to report that in 5 rounds, I won, while reading my book!!

Your heart will be kept leaping and your brain boggled as you read of one frightening event after the other. The end IS a big surprise! I had my suspicions, but then I was thinking almost everyone was a suspect, but was shocked when it all came down to the end.

Stephanie Black has definitely bested herself again. This book is fantastic and I highly recommend it to all readers.

Mindy’s Review

Rearview Mirror is another strong offering from Stephanie Black. This book starts strong from page one and doesn’t let go. I was guessing the whodunit for the whole book. I loved how Stephanie would plant her little seeds of mystery in my head, string along a suspect, then ease me to another.

Fiona Claridge has had a rough few years. She was the driver in a fatal car crash that killed her roommate eight years earlier. Now, years later, someone is harassing her. Is it Kimberly Bailey, the disgruntled student that Fiona had to fail, or Carissa Willis the housewife with a secret? Or is it someone even closer to Fiona?

The author does incredible job of switching POV’s throughout the story. Each character is so unique and very well written.

5 out of 5 stars. This book is full of suspense and mystery. I loved it! I know when I’m liking a book, I quickly I read the last couple lines on the last page to make sure things will be alright for the character. I had to do that here.

What Stephanie Black mystery-suspense novels you have enjoyed?


  8 Responses to “Rearview Mirror by Stephanie Black – Combined Review”

  1. I’m in the middle of this one right now, and I’m thoroughly enjoying it. Classic Stephanie Black. I have NO CLUE where it’s going, and at this point, I love that.

  2. I don’t read a lot of mystery/suspense books because I worry about being able to handle it! :-) However, sometimes they’re just too good to pass up!

  3. Shanda, Sheila, and Mindy, thank you so much for the fantastic reviews! I’m so excited to get reviewed on LDSWBR!

  4. […] Mirror, by Stephanie Black (LDSWBR). Shanda: “A solid 4.5 out of 5 stars from me for being a creepy story that kept me guessing […]

  5. Wow! From the reviews I feel like I need to go out and get this book now. I also don’t naturally seek out mystery books, but this one look too good to pass up. Thanks for always reviewing interesting books.

  6. Can’t wait to read this one. Great reviews!

  7. I enjoyed Cold As Ice, but the drawback was that I always struggled to fall asleep after reading a chapter. Suspense isn’t my favorite genre.

  8. The cover of your book looks very intriquing!!! I’d love to read this book!!!

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