Mar 142012

Thank you to everyone who participated in the “Read ’em All” Mini-Challenge #1. We had a great turnout and made significant progress in our Whitney reading. I am seriously impressed with all of you. Well done!

Now, all that is left is to announce the winner of the $10 Amazon gift card. :)

And the winner is…..

Annette Lyon!

Congratulations, Annette!

I will be emailing the details for the “Read ’em All” Challenge #2 soon, so keep reading!





  3 Responses to ““Read ’em All” Mini-Challenge #1 Winner!”

  1. Yaaay! Happy dance! Thanks tons–for this, but also for encouraging academy members to read all the finalists!

  2. Congrats Annette!!

  3. Congrats, Annette!!!

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