About Shanda

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Shanda– Founder and moderator


I am founder and moderator of the LDS Women’s Book Review blog and podcast. I have always loved reading. According to my mom, I could read the TV Guide before I started kindergarten. I adore a good story with memorable characters and a nice romance. My favorite genres are romance, mystery/suspense, science-fiction, and historical. I’ve enjoyed spending the last eight years reviewing books by some incredibly talented authors.

I’m wife to a computer genius (my IT guy) and mother to four children (3 daughters, 1 son). I enjoy photography, astronomy, movies, walking, crocheting, the mountains, instrumental music (especially Celtic music) and dark mint chocolate.

Happy reading!

  3 Responses to “About Shanda”

  1. Hey,

    I was just checking in to see if you had the podcasts from Storymakers posted yet. Will you give me heads up when you get those up? Pretty please.



  2. Shanda, I really enjoyed getting to know you better. I think your story has huge potential. I like the premise and I think you’ll do awesome. Thank you for visiting with me. I look forward to seeing you again soon!

  3. Shanda, Tristi Pinkston introduced us at a Storymakers conference a couple of years ago. Now my first book is out and I need some reviews out there where people can see them. I have a pdf from my publisher for review purposes. Would you be willing to review it for me?

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