About Sheila

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Sheila – reviewer and blogger

I am a very busy, single Mom to my two great kids; a 13 year old girl and 9 year old boy. I work full time teaching 2nd grade. I love to read and met my goal of reading 100+ books last year. I love to write and enjoy attending writing conferences. I am seriously working on a romance novel. I have a YA fantasy and a mystery suspense in the beginning stages. I have been a member of LDS Women’s Book Review for five years. I love podcasting with the ladies of LDSWBR. I also love to do book reviews on my own personal book review blog and at the LDSWBR site. For fun, besides reading, I love to play games with my kids (especially Harry Potter Scene-It), go camping, scrapbook, and play the piano and sing.

  2 Responses to “About Sheila”

  1. (I responded to your comment through my email and then realized it probably wouldn’t send to you. So if you get this message twice, sorry!)

    Thanks Sheila,

    I did get my site back up, thanks to my wonderful husband!

    I really enjoyed meeting you also. We must be kindred spirits! In fact, I really jived with all of you ladies at LDSBR. If you gals are ever looking for another reviewer to join you or help out with things, let me know, I’d love to rub shoulders with you.

    I’ve listened to a few podcasts this week and it was fun to hear you guys chatting with the literary bunch. It makes me excited for Storymakers!

    Have a great day!


  2. It was so nice to meet you at B&N today – thanks for coming by and saying hello!

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