Who is LDSWBR?

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LDS Women’s Book Review came into being in December of 2005. We never could have imagined what the following five years would bring. What started out as a simple book discussion with friends turned into a wonderful collection of amazing reads, author interviews and Whitney Award experiences.

During the last five years, Sheila, Hillary and I have also been through a variety of life adventures: three births, going back to school to both learn and teach, an unexpected divorce, a variety of church callings, traveling spouses, general mommy craziness, welcoming a new reviewer (Mindy) and for Hillary, a move that took her three states away. Through it all, we’ve done our best to keep the blog and podcast going. Reading is our “thing.” It’s our passion and our escape.

Thank you for visiting LDSWBR. And thanks to all of our loyal blog readers and podcast listeners. We love you!

Happy Reading!

  9 Responses to “Who is LDSWBR?”

  1. Hello Ladies,
    I don’t know if you’ve had a chance to read BLINK OF AN EYE yet, but I would love to get your opinion on it. I happen to have an extra copy still and could send it to you if you’d like. This one is certainly different from my previous novels, but I still tried to keep an element of suspense in it. My goal was to create a more emotional and character driven story. But I’ll let you be the judge…if you’re willing. Thanks.

  2. I am part of a little book club where most of the girls are members. This past month we read a book that was unexpectadly drenched with swear words and sex. Are the books that you choose to feature on this website “clean?” I am tired of nasty surprises.

  3. Hi! What a great blog! Do you review primarily LDS books? Primarily romance? What are your main topics of interest?

  4. Hello;
    Do you only review books by women?


  5. Hi Shandra;
    Thank you for your response; I apologize for the delay in mine.
    How does one go about requesting a book review?


    • There is a widget on the sidebar of this blog that is titled “Authors and Publishers.” You will find the information you are looking for there.

  6. If you are LDS and have written a clean read, how does one get reviews by your crew?

    • Hi Carol,

      Thank you for your question. The answer and our email address is in the sidebar under the widget titled “Authors and Publishers.”

      Shanda :)

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