
Jan 132011

Growing up Gracie

Author: Maggie Fechner

Publisher: Bonneville Books

Published: 2010

ISBN: 978-1-59955-453-2

FTC FYI: borrowed from the library

Growing up Gracie is the story of Gracie Fremont, her ups and downs and the ups and downs of loved ones around her from around age five to her twenties. It’s a story of friendship and love, life decisions and some heart ache. Throughout it all, faith in her Father in Heaven gets her through many trials. Gracie is a strong girl, who truly desires to do good, help those around her, and be there for others when she can.

In high school she is challenged by her missionary brother to not rely on the testimony of her parents, but to find out for herself what she believes. I appreciated that part of the book the most. She had to work for it, and have the faith she needed.

Gracie’s best friends are Liza and Chelsea. They have been there for each other since they were young. One makes mistakes. Gracie, at times, is frustrated by her friend’s choices, but helps her no matter what. In high school, she meets Quentin, a shy loner in need of a friend. Gracie invites him over for FHE and… well, things develop from there.

I was really impressed with this book, it is the author’s first. The characters were developed well, and it was well written. Since the story is told through a long period of time, I liked how time passed without too much detail needed.

Four stars out of five.

Jan 062011


Author: Obert Skye

Publisher: Shadow Mountain

Published: 2008

Hardcover: 312 pages

FTC FYI: I purchased my own copy

Beck Phillips is kind of a trouble maker, he’s been to many schools in a short periods of time and this time, he wants to start off “buzzing.” Things don’t go as planned, but instead of getting in trouble, Beck hears some sad news. His mom has died, and he is shipped to Kingsplot to live with an uncle he has never meet. On his long train ride, he meets Kate, who isn’t very friendly. She is his age, and is headed to Kingsplot too.

Beck wakes up from a 12 hour rest, and notices that they are the only ones left on the train. Beck thinks it’s strange, but Kate isn’t too worried about it. When he arrives, Beck meets Thomas, who drives him to his new house, oops, I mean mansion. Seven floors, with stables, and a huge garden. Right away, Beck is told to stay away from certain places for his own safety. Do you think he’ll stay away? If you answered no, you would be right! Beck meets Milo who asks many questions about the manor, mostly about the basement. But, there is no basement…

At school there are some boys who pick on Beck and Milo. Milo is new to Callowbrow, too. However, Beck can do some weird tricks with plants that makes his life easier. Beck’s family has a secret, and if you look at the front cover, you’ll be able to figure it out. But, what happens with the secret is really exciting and page turning.

I really enjoyed this book. Full of exciting twists and surprises! I liked the history of Beck’s family a long the way too. A gloomy, but interesting history full of plants, stones, and pillaging.

4 out of 5 stars.

Obert Skye also has written the sequel to Pillage. Choke was released in June 2010. I have read that as well and it’s just as great as Pillage. Mr. Skye also wrote the Leven Thumps series. There are five books in that series, all of which I read and enjoyed. Purchase them here.

Dec 302010

This is going to be like picking my favorite child, but luckily, I read so many books this year that there was some that really stood out. I finished my 100 Books for 2010 Reading Challenge just today!

10. Clockwork Angel – Cassandra Claire

9. Paranormalcy – Kiersten White

8. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society – Mary Ann Shaffer & Ann Barrows

7. Devil’s Food Cake – Josi Kilpack

6. Walk Two Moons – Sharon Creech

5. Enchanted, Inc. series – Shanna Swendson

4. Matched – Ally Condie

3. The Help – Kathryn Stockett

2. A Town Like Alice – Nevil Shute

Drum role……

1. The Hunger Games series – Suzanne Collins

Some honorable mentions:

  • The 39 Clues series – Various Authors
  • The Golden Spiral – Lisa Mangum
  • My Ridiculous, Romantic Obsessions – Becca Wilhite
  • The Necromancer – Michael Scott
  • Princess of Glass – Jessica Day George
  • Keys to the Demon Prison– Brandon Mull
  • Peter and the Star Catcher’s series – Dave Barry/Ridley Pearson
  • Gregor the Overlander Series – Suzanne Collins

Happy New Year and Happy Reading!

Nov 242010

A Town Like Alice

Author: Nevil Shute

Publisher: Vintage International/Vintage Books
Published: Original Date 1950
ISBN: 978-0-307-47400-1
Paperback: 351 pages
FTC- I borrowed from a friend, but will be purchasing my own copy.
If you are looking for something wonderful and inspirational to read this Thanksgiving holiday, I have the book for you. I read this amazing book for book club this month, and I didn’t want it to end. *Word of advice, don’t read the back cover, it will pretty much give the whole story away*.
“A Town Like Alice” is the story of Jean Paget. She inherits a small fortune from her long lost uncle who has passed away. Jean’s uncle’s lawyer, Noel Strachan, tells Jean’s story. During World War II when the Japanese take over Malaya, Jean is there working. She has lived there a few years, but lived in Malaya previously when she was younger, so she was familiar with cultures and can speak the language. When Jean is taken by Japanese officers, she is with a friend and her family. The men are taken away, the woman and children are forced to walk hundreds of miles over the course of many months, from village to village, because no one wanted them. Many get sick, and a good deal die. Jean is an amazing strength to these woman, and a tremendous help because she knows the language, and traditions of the people. With that, Jean could also communicate some with the Japanese officers. The other woman who had lived there years longer then her, never bothered.
Jean meets Joe Harman in one of towns and… well, you have to find out the rest. The part in Malaya is a great step in Jean’s journey, but what does she want do with the rest of her life?
What I loved most about the book was, of course, Jean. She is an remarkable woman with so much strength and humor. Her reasoning, and why she wants to do what is does, is what I like most about her. Jean is also very humble. Her journey through Malaya makes her well-known, and she can’t understand why. Jean also falls in love, and sticks to her standards. I also enjoyed the way the story is told. I liked the jump from Jean telling Noel her story, to him (in a way) telling us different pieces about her life too. Noel is in charge of her trust, so she writes to him now and then for money and advice. Also, keep in mind this story was written on the 50’s, so in a couple scenes, things are said differently, and mean different things then they do know. The ending left me teary, I loved what Noel thought of Jean.
I give this book 5 stars of out 5. It truly is an awe-inspiring story, that is one my top favorite books.
Nevil Shute wrote many novels, this was the only that wasn’t science fiction based. I also liked the author’s note at the end.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Nov 042010


Alexandra Adornetto
Publisher: Fiewel and Friends
Published: August 2010
ISBN: 978-0-312-65626-3
Hardcover: 484 pages
FTC… Borrowed from the library

Halo page 1 “Our arrival didn’t go exactly as planned. I remember it was almost dawn when we landed because the streetlights were still on. We had hoped our descent would go unnoticed, which it mainly did, save the thirteen-year-old boy doing a paper round.”
“Halo” is the story of three angels that are sent to earth to find and fight, if necessary, the agents of darkness. Gabriel, Ivy, and Bethany are the sibling angels. They are the agents of light. Ivy and Gabriel are centuries old. Bethany is only 17 in mortal years. Each sibling has a different gift and their gifts and strengths are why they were sent for this mission. Gabriel is an archangel, a warrior. Ivy is a seraphim and she has the gift of healing. Bethany’s gift hasn’t been revealed yet, but her ability to relate to humans was why she was sent. Ivy and Gabriel have both fought many battles against the dark forces, this will be Bethany’s first. The three are sent to Venus Cove because of the surge of unusually evil activity occurring.
In order to fit in, Gabriel is hired to be the music teacher at the local high school, and Bethany enrolls as a student. Ivy is too old to be a student, so she spends her time volunteering at nursing homes, helping in soup kitchens, knitting hats for clothes drives… Whatever she can do to help around the community. The three of them really stick out because of their beautifully flawless skin, perfect bodies, and if you looked close enough, you could catch their halos. In school, Bethany meets Molly who introduces her to life as a teenager. Bethany is very naive, of course, and makes some silly choices. Eventually, she meets Xavier, and is instantly drawn to him. He has a sad history, and for that reason, Molly warns her not to waste her time, but Bethany can’t help herself. Xavier is the captain of the school, and he’s a really nice guy, who is nice to everyone.
Xavier and Bethany hit it off. Some surprising things happen, that have to do with wings… :). Later, the bad guy shows up. Luckily, because that’s when the story really started to pick up for me. His name is Jake Thorn, and… well, I’ll let you find out.
**Heads up: There is a scene with two main characters that is sexual where they don’t have sex, but where their clothing is removed, and they lay together in bed. Also, there is some teen-age drinking. Parental discretion should be used for how old the individual should be to read this book.**
I enjoyed this book, but thought it was about 100 pages too long. The story is good and even though, it was slow in parts, it did hold my attention. The climax was exciting and it is set up for a sequel. The coolest part about this book is the author. She is only 18! I couldn’t believe it when I read that, and this is her second book. Alexandra’s first book is “The Shadow Thief”, she wrote that when she was 14. The writing was done well, characters were developed, and there was a good flow to it. I just thought there was some things that weren’t necessary, and repeated too much. Oh, to be a teenager again :).
3 stars out of 5, and I will read the sequel, “Hades”, when it comes out.
Oct 282010

The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Elizabeth George Speare
ISBN: 978-0-440-49596-3
Publisher: Yearling/Random House
Original Published Date: 1958
Paperback: 249 pages
FTC- borrowed from library
For October’s bookclub, we wanted to do something “witchy”, and since it had been MANY years since we are were in junior high, we decided to read this. I didn’t remember much about it when I read it in sixth grade, so I was really excited to read it again. Well, come to find out, I didn’t remember a thing about it, so it was like reading it for the first time. First of all, it’s an amazing story. Kit arrives from Barbados to her extended family in Connecticut in 1687. Her grandfather that she lived with has died and she is an orphan, so she took care of the estate in Barbados and went to Connecticut to live with her mother’s sister, Rachel. (Kit just never mentioned it to them that she was coming). On the Dolphin, she meets Nat, the captain’s son. And John Holbrook who is coming to Connecticut to be a preacher. Those on the ship took her as strange. During the boat transfer, a doll of Prudence Cruff’s fall into the water. Kit, tired of waiting for someone else to help, jumps in and swims to the doll. Goody Cruff, her mother, is not pleased and right away calls her a witch because she can swim. Not a good start for Kit.
After a long trudge up the river, she arrives in Wethersfield. Kit, who is a bit spoiled from her upbringing, finds the town very plain. She gets to her aunt’s house, meets her cousins, and uncle. Matthew Wood and his family live a very pure life. And Matthew isn’t happy with Kit’s seven trunks and all the flashy dresses inside. Right away Kit is put to work, and wonders where the slaves are to help, but she adjusts and starts to get suitors from town. After one hard day, Kit runs off and finds a beautiful meadow. There she meets the witch of Blackbird Pond, Hannah. A wonderful woman, who is very kind, sweet, and also misunderstood. Being friends with her could get Kit in a lot of trouble.
If it’s been awhile since you have read this, or even if you haven’t, it’s never too late. Wonderful story. There are some very funny, and sweet things that happen. And also some frustrating things. Crazy that the witch hunts really happened. I love the ending and the change in many of the characters. My favorite part is when a certain character comes back from war and what he does when he gets back…
4 stars of out five!
Happy Halloween…