
Oct 212010

The Limit

Kristen Landon
Publisher – Aladdin
Published – September 2010
Hardcover – 291 pages
FTC FYI- borrowed from library
ISBN – 9781442402713
“The Limit” page 1– An eighth grade girl was taken today.
Whispers and text messages flew through Grover Middle School. They slipped handcuffs on her and shoved her into the back of a van. They shot her with a tranquilizer dart in the middle of the lunchroom. She escaped and she’s hiding in the library-right now-texting her friends.
The girl went to Lakeview Middle School. My cousin goes to Lakeview. He said they called her out of first period and she never came back. An eighth grader! Nobody could believe it. Up until now they’d only taken high school students.
Up until now we thought we were off-limits.”
Imagine a society where the government decides how much money your family can spend. And when you go over your limit, you are faced with consequences you might not be ready for. That is what happens to Matt and his family. Matthew Dunston’s family spent money without any care in the world. Or, without thinking of what could happen if they went over the limit. One day, all that changes. The limit is reached and Matt is taken to the FDRA (Federal Debt Rehabilitation Agency). Sharlene Smoot comes to pick him up. She is a pretty lady, with a voice like honey. Matt, in his mind, calls her “Honey Lady”. (She reminds me of the “mean lady” in the book “The Girl Who Could Fly”, very nice on the surface, but look out if you cross her.) Sharlene explains to him why he is there and what has to happen for him to get to leave. Right away, he is tested and put on the floor that needs his abilities the most. Matt is smart, especially when it comes to numbers. He uses his smarts as a weapon and also to his advantage. Later on something happens that test his patience, not only with the system, but with his own family. The FDRA has a secret, and Matt is determined to find out what it is.
What I enjoyed the most was the bit of humor within such a series subject. The thought of kids being taken away to work off their families debt, even with our current society really doesn’t seem too out there. Still scary though. However, Matt is a funny guy. Easy to like. I loved his pet name for people. Like: Honey Lady, Crab Woman, Gorilla Man… Clever. I really enjoyed the ending. It didn’t end with all the debt magically going away, I liked that responsibility needed to be taken.
I enjoyed this book and give it 3 1/2 stars out of 5. I have not read her other book, but it’s on my list!
Kristen Landon’s “Life in the Pit” is YA. You can buy both books here.
Oct 142010

Clockwork Angel

Author: Cassandra Clare
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books/Simon & Schuster Books
Published: September 2010
Hardcover: 478 pages
ISBN: 978-1-4169-7586-1
FYC FYI: Borrowed from library, but will be purchasing own copy.
I read the first three books in this series last year. The series is “The Mortal Instruments” and the books are “City of Bones, City of Ashes, and City of Glass”. “Clockwork Angel” is the first of three prequels. The story is dark, and there is some violence, but that didn’t stop me from reading and loving these books.
“Clockwork Angel” is set in London in 1878. Will and Jem are Shadowhunters. They hunt and kill troublesome demons and help protect mundanes (humans) and downworlders (warlocks, vampires, etc). Shadowhunters have “Marks” on their bodies, that help them fight stronger, heal them, and can even open doors with certain tools. Will and Jem are tracking a troublesome demon, and find a dead girl in the street. She was killed by a demon, and Will wants to find out why… That takes us to Tessa Gray. She is an orphan who’s aunt has just died. Her brother, Nathaniel, sends her a ticket to London and right away, just off the stream boat, she is kidnapped by the Dark Sisters. Mrs. Dark and Mrs. Black promise her that if she behaves, they will take her to her brother. However, the Dark Sisters know Tessa is different. They know she is a shape-shifter. The sisters are training her to use her power and are preparing her for the Magister. Enter Will, who tracks down the pair and helps Tessa…
I’ve been thinking about this next thing a lot since I finished. I think in order to understand and appreciate the story, you should read “The Mortal Instruments” first. The author goes into more detail about the Shadowhunter world. Saying that, if you wanted to start with “Clockwork”, you could. There are just more explanations of this different world in the first three, and I think the characters and this cool world would be understood more with some extra background. What I like most are the Shadowhunters. They are very cool and mysterious.
Cassandra Clare is an amazing author. She truly brings these characters to life and each character is so unique. I will read all of the books in this series, and I’m quite bummed that I have to wait two years for this series to be finished. “Clockwork Prince” will be released in September 2011, and “Clockwork Princess” in November 2012. Some extra good news to Shadowhunter fans… the fourth book in the “Mortal Instruments” series, “City of Fallen Angels” will be released April 5, 2011. (Great birthday present for me :)
Four stars for this book and four for the first three released.
To purchase, click here.
Oct 072010

Into the Gauntlet
By: Margaret Peterson Haddix
Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
Published: August 31, 2010
Hardcover: 327 pages
ISBN 13- 9780545090681
FTC FYI: Borrowed from library
I thought since I reviewed 39 Clues #1, “The Maze of Bones”, it would be fitting to review the last in the series. First of all, I really enjoyed this series. It’s a great series for kids, and for anyone, adults included, who enjoy a fun, quick read.
Throughout this series, Amy and Dan Cahill have traveled all over the globe in search of the 39 Clues. In previous books, the kids find out what branch of the Cahill’s they belong to, and in book nine, “Storm Warning”, Amy and Dan learn what the true mission of the 39 clues is. The secret of the “Madrigals” is revealed in “Storm Warning” as well. The other clue hunting teams are still unsure of the Madrigals and what they could do them.
In the start of this book, Amy and Dan are discouraged and scared. They end up in London along with the Holts, Kabras, Alistair, Jonah, and a surprise team that we thought was taken care of earlier. And don’t forget about the evil Isabel Kabra… How are Amy and Dan going to accomplish all that they need to and still try to win?
A couple of the books in series, I gave three stars. However, the last four received four. I really enjoyed how different authors wrote each book. With that we are able to get a fresh voice on the clue hunt. Also, there is a surprise at the end of “Into the Gauntlet” that leads to a whole new set of books. I will read those as well.
Happy Reading Clue Hunters: Purchase the series here

Sep 232010


Author – Lauren Kate
Publisher – Delacorte Press
Published – December 2009
IBSN13 – 9780385738934
Hardcover – 452 pages
ftc fyi – Borrowed from the library
This was one of those books that caught my eye with the cover. I’d seen it around for a few months and wondered what the story was about, and I was always thinking that I needed to read it. Then, a couple weeks ago, my friend called raving about this book she finished in one day, she knew I would like it too.
“Fallen” is a book about mystery, questions, and figuring out the past. Lucinda Price is sent to Sword and Cross because she is thought of as a menace, someone who is possibly dangerous. Something happened in her past that even she can’t remember all the details about. In Sword and Cross the reds (cameras) follow you everywhere and you can’t even have your cell phone. Luce meets some bizarre kids on her first day. Many she’s not sure she can trust, but hopes that she can. Yet, the first time she sees Daniel Grigori, there is a hint of recognition there she can not place and things about him she can’t ignore.
I liked most the mystery of it all. Not the mystery of crime solving :), just the figuring everyone out and their intentions toward Luce. Luce is pursued by Cam, a repeat at Sword and Cross. He brings her in and shows her the ropes. Arriane, and Penn are friendly too. They are always trying to get her away from Cam, but why? But, Cam wants her away from Daniel… What will she do and who will she choose? Luce does have some secrets of her own. As she is tries to figure out her surroundings, the past, what happened and why it happened on the night that changed her life forever, she could even be in danger.
I really enjoyed this book. It is a darker story, but I was fascinated by all the characters. Some were spookier then others, and a few have wild secrets of their own. I mostly enjoyed Daniel, figuring him out, and why he did what he did, and why all out avoids anything to do with Luce at first. As I was reading, I felt on edge, with butterflies in my stomach wondering what would happen next. (but all in a good way)
The sequel “Torment” comes out September 28, and I will read that.
4 stars
Sep 092010

The Mark

M.R. Bunderson
Published by: Cedar Fort/CFI
Published Date: 2010
Softcover: 278 pages
FTC – I borrowed from the library
“I’m not sure you understand the importance of this decision. The very existence of our people and our way of life stand in the balance.” Marco spoke quietly, but there was no mistaking the passion behind his words.” (page 1)
Tori is a senior in high school. She’s a good student, plays piano, never gets in trouble, and has great friends… she’s every parent’s dream. In class one day she is chatting with her best friend Shae, they are studying the birthmark on Tori’s hand. Tori realizes it’s not just an ordinary mark. But, Shae doesn’t see what she can. Tori dismisses it, and they start going over their double date plans for that evening. Tori is hesitant about the date, but Shae promises that Jon’s best friend, Eric, is worth it. Eric and Tori meet and are instantly connected, in more ways then one. Their connection is based their link to an ancient society. The rest of the book is about how they find and avoid some more of their “people”. Along the way they realize they have gifts that could be beneficial, but also harmful to each other.
Although, I enjoyed the idea of the story, I had a hard time with the dialogue at first. It was sometimes cheesy and a little corny. But, I over looked it because the story itself has promise.
3 stars
If there was a sequel I would read it.
Sep 022010

Enchanted, Inc.

By: Shanna Swendson
Ballantine Books
Published 2005
Paperback – 320 pages
ISBN13: 9780345481252
FTC FYI – Borrowed from a friend
“Enchanted Inc.” is the first of a four book series. This very clever and funny series is all about Katie Chandler. When she arrived in New York a year ago, she just thought that all the strange goings on around her were just that – strange. Not for one minute did she think that it was real. Katie works for a not-so-nice-boss, doing a not-so-exciting-job. Until one day she notices something out of the ordinary on the subway. Right away she is approached for a new job opportunity. But, she has never heard of the company MSI, and is very skeptical. At her current job, she is at the end of her rope, so she decides to at least talk to the new company, just to see what they are all about. Katie learns that she is immune to magic, that is why she sees all that she does. Spells do not work on her, and magic can not be used against her. Katie is very valuable to the magic community, but possibly dangerous. There’s a cute guy in the office, who could possibly be the most powerful wizard of all, and her new boss is someone you might recognize from round tables.
The rest of the books are just as great as the first. Without revealing the plot, I can’t tell you much more, but they are worth checking out. I think they get better and better. There is a bit of language throughout the first, and the last, but nothing that stopped me from reading. Book 4 takes a different turn, that at first I wasn’t sure I would like for the character, but, it turned out to be one of the best of the series. I was really entertained by this series, and hope the author gets the go ahead to continue with more.
4 stars
I recommend this and the rest of the series.
“Enchanted, Inc.”
“Once Upon Stilettos”
“Damsel Under Stress”
“Don’t Hex With Texas”
Shanna Swendson has written other books as well.