
Aug 192010

I had this book from the library about a month ago, but I was reading so many other things, I couldn’t get to it before it was due, so I reluctantly had to return it. I quickly got my self back on the hold list and it was slowly getting back to my turn. Until last week. I was getting my Summer Reading reward from the library, and there it was, sitting there on the shelf behind the librarian. I couldn’t believe my luck, so I grabbed it.
Let me just start with this… this book was amazing. There were many times when I cried. I was so touched and humbled by this story. I knew from history class that this was a difficult time in our country, but I really had no idea.
“The Help” is told from the perspective of three woman. Skeeter is a 23 year old white woman who has just returned from college and is wondering where Constantine is. Her black maid and best friend. But, no one will tell her the truth. Many know the truth, but won’t reveal it. Skeeter is friends with Hilly Holbrook and Elizabeth Leefolt. Miss Hilly is the queen bee of Jackson, and everyone looks to her as an example. But, it is not a good one. When she says jump, all the ladies in the community ask how high, and can I get you anything before I jump. Aibileen is Miss Leefolt’s maid and is raising her daughter Mae Mobley. Miss Leefolt is a bad mother, but really has no role model of her own. Aibileen is working one day while Miss Hilly and Skeeter are over at Elizabeth’s playing bridge. Hilly has the “brilliant” idea that Nigra’s need their own toilet in the house they are working in for sanitation purposes. Skeeter doesn’t agree with Hilly, and asks Aibileen when they are alone if she wishes she could change things. This gets Aibileen thinking.
Minny is Aibileen’s best friend. She is sassy and talks back to her employers, and gets fired a lot. Minny goes to work for Miss Celia Foote who also has a connection to Hilly, but has secrets of her own. Skeeter, Aibileen, and Minny are all amazing women and each has a beautiful story to tell.
What is really enjoyed was the friendships that exist between the woman, and the one that develops. I loved how the author brought real life events into the story as well, and how those events affect the ladies. Medgar Evers, the six black girls who were bombed in the church, JFK, and many more. Each individual character was so well written and unique. All were so real to me, even the ones I didn’t like, it was like I was watching a play. I laughed and cried, and was sad when I was done, I didn’t want it to end.
Make sure you read the author’s personal story about Demetrie.
5 stars
I would recommend it to anyone, and would read it again. There was some language, but it didn’t change how I felt about the story. This is the author’s first novel.
The Help
Kathryn Stockett
Amy Einhorn Books-G.P. Putnam’s Sons / 2009
Hardcover – 451 pages
FTC-FYI: Borrowed from the library
Aug 122010

The Magic Thief – Found

Sarah Prineas
Published: June 2010
Hardcover: 357 pages
ISBN 978-0-06-137593-4
FTC FYI – borrowed from the library
Sorry, but I’m doing it again. I’m reviewing yet another series book. And, again, it’s not the first of the series. But, I won’t apologize for the books because they are great.
I found the first book of “The Magic Thief” series sitting in the new arrivals section of my dearly beloved library when it first came out. I was drawn by the cover, title, and the word magic. Long story short, I enjoyed the first and the second, which is called “Lost”, but I think “Found” is the best of the series.
To sum up the gist of the stories… Conn is a thief who lives on the streets of Twilight. He has to pick pockets to survive, but that has also made him strong and smart. One night he picks Nevery’s pocket, and it turns out, Nevery is a wizard. He takes Conn in, reluctantly at first, but he and his “housekeeper” Benet, start to love the boy. Conn meets many in the city, good and bad and has a problem with the Underlord. Who also has a problem with him. Conn finds out, he’s a wizard too, and every wizard needs a locus magicalicus to do magic properly. What Conn’s is and how he finds it, and what happens next, I’ll let you read that. But, it’s an adventure.
In “Lost” there’s trouble in another city and it’s up to Conn to help. He gets fixed up in the city’s magic and what’s happening to it (that is explained in the first as well). Conn is misunderstood by many, and many are mean to him. The “lost” part of book is what takes the story on a great turn of events.
“Found”… well, I can’t say what was lost or found. But, it’s no secret that the magic in Wellmet is in trouble and something terrible is coming. Conn needs to find what was lost so he can help. Along the way he finds dragons, which could hold the key to fixing the long-time problem with the cities magic and what it really is.
Great story for kids, or anyone who wants a clever, fun, quick read. I would recommend these books and I would read more from this author.
3 stars for books 1 & 2. 4 stars for book 3
Enjoy! Until next week…
Aug 052010

The Necromancer

Author: Michael Scott
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Published: 2010
Hardcover: 385 pages
ISBN: 978-0-385-73531-5
FYC FYI- I bought my own copy
“The Necromancer” is the fourth book in the ” The Secrets of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel” series. This book was awesome, held my attention, and left me wanting more. “The Warlock” will be the next released and last in the series is “The Enchantress”. I did some research to try and find a release date for “The Warlock”, but I was unsuccessful. (So, if you find anything, let me know.) I’m sure it’s because “The Necromancer” was just released :). That’s what is so hard about loving a series, is you have to learn to wait.
I would not read this book without reading the other three. Only a week has passed since the start of the series. And, a lot has happened. You might ask yourself, “Why is she reviewing book four then?” And, I really don’t have an answer, only that I would want you to read the whole series. You won’t be sorry.
Here’s the basics on the story: Josh and Sophie Newman are twins. Josh works for Mr. Fleming at his book store and Sophie works at a coffee shop where Mrs. Fleming is a customer. However, The Flemings have a secret. They aren’t who they say they are, and the two have been searching for the twins of legend… for centuries. There is an enemy of “Fleming’s”, his name is John Dee, he is also searching for something. Something that will help him complete all his plans of destruction and earn him favor with the Dark Elders.
There isn’t much else I can say without revealing anything spoilerish. However, every book brings interesting problems, magic, power, mystery, and mind-blowing characters. I love this series. It is very fast-paced and well written. I didn’t want to read it too fast in order to savor every detail slowly, but I couldn’t put it down. I love how the author executes the chapters. They are short, but you jump back and forth from one exciting situation to the next, and there’s always a cliffhanger that makes you continue reading. There wasn’t anything I didn’t like about this book, or the series for that matter.
4 1/2 stars for “The Necromancer” and the other three in the series.
I cannot wait for the next and I would read anything from this author.
Reviewed by Mindy
Jul 292010

Wolves, Boys, & Other Things That Might Kill Me

By: Kristen Chandler
ISBN – 978-0-670-01142-1
Publisher: Viking
Published: 2010
Hardcover: 371
FTC-FYI: Borrowed from the library
Let me just get this out of way… I buy most of my books through Amazon, and they email me suggestions. This was one of them. I’m sure I read the description of the book too fast to notice that it’s not about what I thought it would be about. And, I mean, boys turning into wolves. :) Even though I did like this book, I did have to hang in there a while to appreciate it. The story took quite a while to develop. KJ is a 16 year old from a small town in Montana, near Yellowstone. She lives with her dad. He runs a fishing/seasonal guide store, where she helps out. KJ’s mom died when she was a baby, so Dad is very over protective. I had a hard time with their relationship. You’d think it would be good, but it isn’t. Her dad is mean at times, gives her the silent treatment, and they don’t speak for days. Also, the kids in her school are ruthless to her, and really for no good reason.
Things start changing for her when Virgil comes to town. It starts events that get the story going, although again, it takes a while. Virgil starts her thinking about the wolf problem in the area. The Federal Government relocated wolves back into the park because they had died out, and also to help control the elk population. This makes the wolf-lovers happy, but the ranchers and farmers angry. Virgil is in town with his mother, Eloise. (Who I really liked.) Together they go observe the wolf packs in the area. I thought the parts with the wolves were fascinating. Alpha female issues were pretty cool. I wanted more of the wolves.
Virgil (who takes amazing pictures) and KJ are asked to start a column. “Wolf Notes” gets stared and right away it starts an uproar in the town. They also start to like each other, and a few funny things happen. Some dangerous events take place, and the story picked up for me about mid-point. While KJ’s intentions are there, she does get blamed for incidents that were no way near her fault, however, her heart is in the right place, and she is determined to fix the situation.
3 stars
I probably wouldn’t read it again, but I would read more from this author. I didn’t think it ended with a sequel looming, but I would read it.
Warning: there is a few instances of language
Jul 082010

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

By: Stephenie Meyer
Publisher: Little, Brown
Published: June 2010
ISBN: 978-0-316-12558-1
Hardcover: 178 pages
Reviewed by Mindy
FTC FYI – I purchased my own copy
Confession: I have already seen “Eclipse” three times. I guess you could say that I enjoyed it. And, I have read the “Twilight Saga” at least five times. I would read anything of Stephenie Meyer’s, so, reading this book was a no brainer.
I really enjoyed this little glimpse into newborn Bree’s last several days. In “Eclipse”, my first impression of her was that of a wild newborn out for anyone’s blood she could get, but I found she was reserved and smart. And even though I knew the end result of her demise, I was rooting for her.
It starts with her hunting with a group of out of control vampire newborns. In that group, she gets to know Diego, who is older then her three months. He has survived for almost a year. Diego is Riley’s right-hand man, and he’s very loyal to his ideas. However, together, they start figuring out that Riley and “her” (their creator) are not being honest with them.
There is a surprise visit from a group from Italy, which I enjoyed, and I (again knowing the end result), liked the ending when she is purposely revealing things to Edward.
Four stars
I would read it again, and I would read more from this author.