
Nov 102009

On the front cover of this book it says, “True beauty is felt more than it is seen.” This is a message that too few women/girls hear or believe in.

Jodi quotes President Gordon B. Hinckley:

“Of all the creatures of the almighty there is none more beautiful, none more inspiring than a lovely daughter of God who walks in virtue with an understanding of why she should do so.”

Jodi has written a book that we should share with our children; especially our daughters. Today, more than any time in history, we need to spread the word why virtue should be something that we strive for in our lives. I love that this book outlines the many facets of virtue; much more than just sexual purity. For example, here are some of the chapter titles:

    In the World But Not of the World
    The Virtue of God’s Word
    The Beauty of Purity, Not Perfectionism
    The Greatest Virtue is Charity
    A Modest Women is Beautiful
    The Body is Sacred and Divine
    Walking Away From Vanity
    The Beauty of Working Together as Sisters in Christ

I wish that I could share with you the many things I felt were written for me to specifically read. Every time I turned the page, something jumped out that made me stop and ponder, “Be happy living your not-so-fairy-tale life.” Sad, but I do need that reminder some days to try to be happy while I am “enduring” my trials. I also learned a fabulous new idea, to put together a “Scripture Basket,” to help my family try to do a better job with scripture reading.

Believe me when I say, that whatever you are looking for concerning any of the principles related to virtue, it can be found here. I wish that this book could be a companion piece to the Young Women’s manual, now that “Virtue” has been added to the Young Women Theme. This can be found on

A Return to Virtue
“Now is the time for a return to virtue!”

The attribute and value of Virtue has been added to the Young Women theme. “Virtue is a pattern of thought and behavior based on high moral standards. It encompasses chastity and moral purity.”

The time has come for the young women of the Church to lead the world in a return to virtue. This is the time to be pure and to qualify for the guidance of the Holy Ghost. In the coming year, it is our desire that all young women and their leaders focus on the meaning of virtue, what young women can do to accept and act upon this value, and how this attribute can strengthen young women as they prepare to be worthy to make and keep sacred covenants and receive temple ordinances.

This all means more to me now that my daughter will be turning 12 soon. I want so much for her to have a happy life and I know that the road to the future is not an easy one. I want her to learn to believe in herself. I want her to learn to love herself. I want her to learn the value of living a good life. I know that I will be using this book for many future discussions that we will be having as Mother and daughter.

I hope that you will read Women of Virtue. This book is written so you can pick it up and read any chapter that you want, in any order. Jodi’s style of writing is easy and free flowing. I also loved how many personal stories she shared throughout the book.

As you read this book, you will feel as I did, that Jodi was inspired from above in writing every page of this book.

Feel free to go visit Jodi’s blog at

Her book can be purchased at and at

This book would make a great Christmas present for any women that you know. If you would like a copy of this book before Christmas, enter the drawing to win a copy at Why Not Because I Said So or at LDS Womens Book Review. There is only one copy available and the name will be drawn from the entries placed at both blogs. All that you need to do is comment on this post and you will be entered into the drawing. Good luck! You will have a week to enter the drawing and a winner will be chosen next Tuesday, November 17, 2009.

I want to thank Cedar Fort publishing for sending the free copies of Women of Virtue for me and the one lucky winner.

Oct 242009

When you first pick up The Route, the cover is very deceiving. You see a beautiful, middle age woman, with a happy smile on her face; but don’t let that carefree smile fool you. Little do you know, as the reader, there is a wonderful journey to be taken within these 184 pages. It is not always a happy, carefree journey either; but one that has it’s ups and downs. I can tell you from the first page until the last, it is a fulfilling trip.

Here is a little blurb from the back cover of The Route:

Zipping along life’s highway . . .

Fifty makes you think. Thirty makes you morose, and forty makes you panic, but fifty makes you think. Half a century, and what is my life? Does it resemble anything I dreamed at sixteen, or expected at twenty, or hoped at twenty-five? What am I doing here? . . . I thought of climbing to the top of a high mountain in Tibet to consult a wise man, but I like vacations where there is indoor plumbing and vegetation. Since I already attended church, I thought perhaps I could pay closer attention. Maybe I’d been missing a great fundamental truth. Well, come to find out, I had been missing something. . . .

Carol, a middle-aged wife and mother, is pondering the meaning of life. On a trip to the grocery store to find some energizing dark chocolate, she sees a sign asking for volunteers to deliver meals to the elderly. When Carol decides to take a chance and help out, she’s in for a life-changing and route-altering experience.

This book made me think about my life, the present and the past. I have always loved older people, especially my own grandparents and neighbors. I was raised to show love and respect for my elders. I know how my life has been enriched from knowing and loving older people. The main character, Carol, also has this same experience. As she meets and serves the elderly assigned to her, she begins to find new things about herself. There were many things Carol learned, that I marked along the way as I read. Some readers may think of these things as “preachy,” but I saw them as things I needed to remember in my life. Here are some examples:

-“Don’t compare yourself to others because you’ll always come out better or behind. Better will make yourself feel superior and entrap you in pride- behind will make you feel inferior and entrap you in doubt. Big philosophy.”

-After Carol sees how a selfish daughter cares more for her personal possessions than her own Mother, this is what she is thinking: “I scold myself for judging a situation I know only a little about. As my dad would say, Take care of your own lawn before you mow the neighbor’s.”

-This novel has a way to make you laugh and cry in the same chapter. As Carol visits her elderly friends, their lives are not always easy and she is there to witness the pain, suffering and loneliness they are living through. This next part made me question myself and how much I do for others.

-“Life is suffering. What I don’t understand is why some people have to deal with so much suffering. Are these weary wounded just not receiving the care and kindness they need because the rest of us aren’t doing our jobs? Are we lost in television or computer games, caught up in money and material possessions, too busy with schemes and aggrandizement? I wonder what message the prophets. Buddha, the Man from Galilee, or Mohammed would bring to us in the twenty-first century? Probably the same message they preached thousand of years ago. The route hasn’t changed, only the walkers.”

After reading this wonderful book I wanted to interview Gale Sears. Here are the things I asked her about and her great answers:

1. Can you please tell my readers where you found your inspiration to write your book, The Route?

Several years ago I had the great good fortune to be a meals-on-wheels delivery person. The people on my route made me laugh, cry, and wonder about life.

2. Are the characters in the book actually based on real people you have known in your life?

Yes. And not just people from my past, these were the actual, zany, amazing, lovely people I discovered on the route.

3. Who have been your favorite “elderly” people in your life? Of course, for most of us it has been our grandparents. Would you concur?

My grandparents on my mother’s side were very good people, but sort of boring. The real characters were the Great Uncles on my father’s side of the family. They were part of a huge clan of Danes, and let me tell you, these people were loud, fun-loving tricksters. They were also big time huggers, eaters, and gamblers. Actually my Uncle Louie was the only gambler. We called him “Lucky Louie!”

4. The Route is only 184 pages long, but it is full of enough wisdom and down to earth good advice, it reminds me of a quote by Maya Angelou: “In those homely sayings was couched the collective wisdom of generations.” As I read, I kept bookmarking pages of my favorite lines/quotes said in the book. There were so many lessons for the readers to learn in the book. Was this part of the reason you wrote The Route?

I think it was part of it. I didn’t start out to intentionally write a book laced with philosophy, it’s just that these wonderful older folks had so much wisdom to share that it just kept seeping into the story.

5. One of my favorite quotes in the book was, “Life is life, and we have the choice to ignore, endure, influence, bemoan, or enlighten the process. Our choices make the route apparent.” That was just so meaningful for me.

Thank you, Sheila. It does have a lot to do with the approach we take to life, doesn’t it?

6. Why do you write? Have you always wanted to be a writer?

I’ve always liked to tell stories. I was kind of renowned in my neighborhood in Lake Tahoe for making up some pretty far fetched whoopers. I guess I figured I’d just write some of them down. I read the tall tales to my mom, and she always made a big deal out of my meager efforts. Her positive response made me think that someday I might aspire to a little bit of greatness. (Moms can do that, ya know.)

7. What are your writing dreams for the future?

I’ve just had a children’s picture book published…Christmas for a Dollar. The illustrations are by Ben Sowards. He’s a fabulous illustrator, and I was so captivated by the wonder created by combining words and art! I would love to do another children’s picture book.

8. Do you have some favorite authors and books?

I seriously love many of the fine LDS authors we have now-a-days. I love the Cadfael series by British author, Ellis Peters. I love Amy Tan. I love the Mitford series by Christian writer, Jan Karon.

9. Share some good advice for aspiring writers. What can they do to get published some day?

Don’t write to be published. Write because you love to tell a story. Make that story shine by rewriting it and polishing it. And I know aspiring writers hear this a lot, but I’m going to say it any way because it’s true…READ. The more you expose yourself to words, and how other writers manipulate words to make them talk, the better you’ll be at analyzing your own writing.

Gale, I truly loved this book. Thank you for letting me review it.

Thank you so much, Sheila for the interview. I admire the work you three do at LDS Womens Book Review. I’m so glad you liked The Route. It was such a joy for me to be able to round-up these characters into the pages of a book. I learned so much from their exquisite lives.

I want to end this blog post with one more quote from the book that I needed to hear right now in my life. I felt like this book came along right at a time in my life when I needed this wisdom the most.

“A lot of people, when they think of God, see Him as a serious purveyor of commandments. Mary and I see him as a loving father who gives us rules to keep us safe, and then places beauty and comedy along the rough road to keep us smiling. The key is to look up and see the beauty and comedy and not just down at our feet trudging along the rough road.”

If you would like to know more about Gale and her work, go to her website at

(This book was published in 2009 by Walnut Springs Press, who were kind enough to provide a free copy of this book for my review.)

Sep 292009

I had the privilege of receiving and reading Anne Bradshaw’s new book called, Famous Family Nights. On the front cover it says, “Stories to make you smile, and inspire you to see the humor in our Monday night tradition from Mormons you know and love.”

I don’t know about you, but some Monday nights and trying to have a decent Family Home Evening, are a big joke. I was so grateful to start reading this book for some super ideas to make Monday nights better at our house. I think you will be well pleased, as I was, at what you will find in this book.

The main thing I learned from this book, is that we all are in the same boat. It is hard sometimes, for all families to have well structured, reverent and quality Family Home Evenings every Monday Night. Maybe your family is the exception, but I think most of us struggle with the “quality” part of Family Home Evening.

Anne interviewed many famous LDS people, asking them to send her their best ideas and favorite memories of Family Home Evenings. I can assure you, with the wide variety of people sharing ideas, you will be able to find something to fit your family’s needs.

I have to say, one of my favorite sections was written by one of my favorite author friends, Josi Kilpack, called “Healthy Bodies, Healthy Spirits.” It made me crack up! Josi has the best sense of humor and it shows in her contribution to this book! :) Then I really appreciated the section by, Shannon Hoffman. She also is a single parent like me. It was good to see how to have FHE’s when you are having to fly solo and keeping things running in your family. I also really loved Eric Dodge, a country music singer, and his chapter called, “Nothing as Valuable as Family.” I have to admit here, I could go through this whole book and tell you what I liked about each chapter. I found something worthwhile to be used with my own little family, from every contributor.

I highly recommend this book to every family out there! It doesn’t matter what kind of family you are, there is something for you in this great book that Anne Bradshaw compiled. With Christmas heading our way quickly, this book would be a fabulous gift for family members.

I always love to interview authors and find out more about them and why they wrote their books. I enjoyed reading Anne’s answers and I know that you will also.

1. Where did the idea for Famous Family Nights come from?

Several years ago, I kept hearing of families who no longer held home evening, or who never even started, so I began a small monthly post for a colleague’s blog, highlighting various LDS authors’ home evenings. From there, I had the idea to turn the project into a book, expanding to include prominent LDS people from the USA and other countries. I hoped these fascinating anecdotal stories and ideas would encourage others to follow the prophetic plea to embrace our families through this weekly activity.

2. How did you decide who to include in your book? There is a great mix of people that contributed to the book.

I first sent emails to every contact I could find on the website If there was no email given, then I researched every avenue to find some other way of communicating – websites, Facebook, TV, and movie agencies – even friends and work associates. I also sent many letters containing stamped, addressed envelopes, but none of these ever returned to me. I wanted to include many talented people who were less well known and struggling to make their way in their chosen profession, to help them become more recognized. I love anything that is a win/win situation, and this book is just that – participants, readers, publisher, author – we all win. The entries are not only from entertainers and artists, but also from achievers in the world of sports, business, and service to the community.

3. What is your favorite FHE memory? You shared a few of them in the book. Would you share one of them with my readers?

It’s not easy to pinpoint a favorite. We had our share of disasters, of course, and those now blur in with all the others. I think pre-Christmas family nights invoked the most tender feelings that still linger in my memory. In addition to sharing the Christmas story each year, we had a “Christmas Mints” tradition. I loved the closeness and laughter we shared as the children helped make chocolate covered mint sweets (candies), which we delivered to friends and neighbors. Two of our sons still tease about being “made” to play the trumpet and violin while the rest of us sang carols. Those were fun times.

4. Why do you feel FHEs are important?

I feel they are a vital safe haven in today’s dangerous world. Nothing can replace the good feeling that settles in a child’s heart knowing someone cares enough to make time for family home evening. Children may not always recognize the benefits at the time, but later in life most have fond and grateful memories.

5. What is your favorite time to write? How long are your writing sessions?

I begin my writing day at 5:30 AM, and often continue until 5:00 PM with short breaks in between. I know several hours non-stop at the computer isn’t good for bones and joints, but sometimes, when an idea is boiling, time simply flies.

6. What are you working on now?

I’m currently marketing Famous Family Nights. I plan on taking a break early 2010, and then want to begin something completely different. A few ideas are in my head, but I haven’t yet decided which to follow.

7. What is your favorite thing you have written? Maybe you still hope to write your dream book some day?

Like most things, writing is a skill that grows with practice, and so I feel my best work is yet to come. I cringe now when reading my first book, Terracotta Summer. But we all have to start somewhere, and I hope my work is improving with each new project as I continue to learn more about the craft. I think my favorite so far is the book of short stories, Please, No Zits. I really enjoyed the creative process involved, and tackling the many problems facing today’s youth was a meaty challenge.

8.What are your best words of advice for aspiring writers or even established writers?

They are familiar words that will always be relevant – read, read, read, and write, write, write. I would add that reading how-to books about writing, and attending writing conferences are equally important for any aspiring writer who wants to get published.

Thank you Anne! I hope many people will buy this book to include it in their family library.

Go visit Anne at her blog. She always has such fun games and contests going on there; besides wonderful book reviews.

If you would like to purchase this book go to:

Sep 232009

We have a winner of the latest contest. The winner of a copy of Illuminations of the Heart written by Joyce DiPastena is…Shirley Bahlmann. Congratulations Shirley and thanks for entering the contest.You will be receiving a copy of this great Historical Romance novel. I know that you will enjoy it! I will get your address and get your book sent out to you! Thanks for everyone who left a comment on both blogs and participated in the contest. There will be another contest coming soon for another chance to win a book.

Sep 132009

“Clothilde.” He spoke her name on a breath like a prayer. Then he lowered his head and kissed her.

What a perfect scene! It truly belongs in a romance novel. The only problem is, the women being kissed is not Clothilde, her name is Siriol De Calendri. Triston, the hero in the novel, is still full of guilt because of the death of his late wife, Clothilde. Siri greatly resembles Triston’s late wife, but is very different from her in personality and spirit. This is where the Historical novel begins. Can Siri win Triston’s heart and help him heal from the past? Will Triston be able to keep Siri safe from the many enemies that threaten he and Siri’s future together? You will need to read Illuminations of the Heart to have these questions answered.

I enjoy reading Joyce DiPastena’s books. They are known for being “clean” romances. Now days, the idea of a clean romance is a very rare thing. This is not to say that you won’t be swept away in the growing romance between Triston and Siri and the heat felt between them. They are clearly attracted to each other and their shared kisses made me yearn for a “Triston” in my life. You can safely read this book, as well as your teenage daughter, and know that no sex will be spattered throughout the pages.

As for historical fiction lovers, this book will greatly appeal to you. Joyce does incredible research into this time period. I always feel like I learn new things when I read one of Joyce’s books. She has a “Glossary of Medieval Terms” at the back of the book. For example, do you know what “Crenellated” means? What does “Fealty” mean? Do you know what a “Hauberk” is? I found this Glossary very helpful as I read the book.

This sweet romance from Joyce is 425 pages long. It is well worth your time to read it. Hide away in a room, pull out the chocolate or popcorn, get comfortable and escape to the medieval times. I enjoyed getting lost in the romance and suspense that is interwoven in Illuminations of the Heart.

If you would like to win your own copy of this new novel here are a few ways to enter:

-Look up one of the meanings to one of the medieval words I mentioned in this blog post. Tell me the definition to the word/s and that will count as one entry.
-Post a comment telling me what is your favorite kind of Romance novel. What era appeals to you the most. This will be another entry for you.
-The third thing you can do, is to become a follower of one of my blogs, here at LDS Women’s Book Review or “Why Not Because I Said So” and it will count as two entries.

One winner will be chosen from entries posted at both blogs. So start posting to win your own copy of this wonderful romance. You have one week to enter the contest. It will end next Monday night, Sept. 21st and the winner will be announced the next day.

Learn more about Joyce, her writing and research at:

You can purchase Illuminations of the Heart at and

Aug 172009

All the Stars in Heaven is Michele Paige Holmes’ second published book. Her first book, Counting Stars, won the first Whitney Award, ever, in the category of Romance. There are many of us that fell in love with Counting Stars and Michele’s writing. I could see her amazing talent she possessed because she wrote such a captivating story. You often wonder how something as good as an “award winning” first book could ever be topped? Well, I am here to tell you, that this is exactly what Michele has done. She went above and beyond with her writing of All the Stars in Heaven. It was very evident to see the fabulous growth that Michele has made as a writer.

This story was much more than a romance, but was also a murder mystery/suspense novel. The storyline is very deep and involved with happenings of current times and what happened to main character Sarah Morgan’s mother many years ago. The other main character, Jay Kendrich, was first introduced in a smaller role in Counting Stars. I have to admit, I did not really like Jay that much in the first book. Jay has grown up a lot since the first book and he is more appealing this time around. In fact, I found myself hoping that everything would turn out for him in this book. He also finally finds love in this novel. It is hard to obtain that love, granted, but eventually it comes along.

I really did not expect such a deep storyline when I first picked up this novel, so I was happily surprised when the mystery continued to grow and things became more and more complicated for our main couple. I ended up loving this book. There is a very high angst level, but this fact keeps you glued to the pages.

Here is a picture of Michele,(in the middle) with the women of LDS Womens Book review (Shanda, Hillary and of course me!) Michele joined us to record a podcast right after Counting Stars first came out. She will be joining us soon again for another podcast.

I wanted to ask Michele many questions about her new novel as I posted this review. So, here are a few questions and answers for you about All the Stars in Heaven.

SS: Great job on your new novel Michele! I was very impressed with All the Stars in Heaven. Did you set out from the beginning to write a mystery/romance?

MPH: For whatever reason, Jay and Sarah’s story came to me as a suspenseful romance (not to be confused with romantic suspense, where the suspense is the focus of the story). I still wanted the romance to be first and foremost. That said, the storylines were tightly intwined, and it became very apparent, very quickly that I’m not a suspense writer. That element of the plot was more than a little challenging.

SS: I could tell as I read your book that your writing has continued to grow and develop by leaps and bounds. Mind you, I loved your writing before, and this story seem so perfectly formed. How do you feel about your own writing progress?

MPH: I feel as if the manuscript I completed earlier this year—a YA fairytale written in first person—is probably the best thing I’ve ever written. I sincerely hope I get better with each book. Making the leap to being able to write in first person was huge for me, as I’ve tended to be a bit of a “head hopper” :) in the past.

SS: Did you outline the story first? There were so many characters and plot lines weaving together throughout the book. I would be surprised if you hadn’t done an outline.

MPH: I didn’t do an outline for All the Stars in Heaven, Counting Stars, or any of my other novels. I do like to print out a calendar of the time I’m writing about and make notes of what events in the story happen on which days.

SS: Why did you decide to write your second novel about Jay Kendrich? I thought for sure that you would write the second novel about one of Jane’s sisters.

MPH: I do have a novel planned for Jane’s sister, Caroline, and I am currently writing Tara’s (Jane’s crazy friend) story. But Jay was a great character who didn’t get a happy ending. I wanted readers to see him get his turn at love.

SS: I think I recall you saying that there will be one more “stars” book that you will write in this series? If this is so, have you already started writing it or are you currently working on it?

MPH: Caroline’s story was supposed to be next, but the editors at Covenant felt Tara’s story should come first, so a few months ago I switched gears, set Caroline’s manuscript aside, and dove into Tara’s world. Tara is a really great character, and I’m having a lot of fun with her story.

During the few years since we’ve last seen her (wearing a bright orange pant suit and sobbing at Jane’s wedding), she’s moved to LA and become a big time realtor. But life is lonely, and she hops a plane in late December, hoping to meet up with some girlfriends at a spa in Boulder, Colorado for the holidays. Through a series of misfortunes, she finds her plane rerouted to Salt Lake City, her wallet stolen, her luggage lost. The one man brave enough to come to her rescue is Benjamin Whitmore, a pig farmer from Ohio, and Tara’s polar opposite. It isn’t long before sparks fly between the two of them as tempers clash. But opposites do attract, and by the end of the story Tara finds out that Ben’s ways do have some appeal and her heart might not be in such a different place after all.

SS: What other books do you have in the works to write?

MPH: I would like to finish Caroline’s story and publish that through Covenant. I also have a second (one is completed and unpublished) Scottish historical started. What I’m itching to start on this fall is the sequel to the fairytale I wrote this past year.

SS: When is the most perfect time for you to write?

MPH: The time I find most productive is when I have no interruptions from my offspring :) My husband is kind enough to take over a couple of Saturdays a month, so I can take my lap top and head to the library for 4-5 hours.

SS: What are your favorite books to read? Are there any authors that have inspired you in your own writing?

MPH: Favorite books to read is a difficult question. I love reading and am always finding new authors I enjoy. A few of my favorites are Lisa Wingate, Lolly Winston and Judith McNaught.

SS: Who is your greatest supporter/s in your writing? Your husband, your kids or your writing group?

MPH: My husband is my greatest supporter. Without him, the books wouldn’t happen. My children . . . not so much. Our teenagers want to know why I have to hog the computer so much. My younger children always want me to get off the computer and play with them, feed them, change them, etc. My writing group, on the other hand, is awesome. They’re amazingly talented and generous. I rely on them to help me get the plots in my head to make sense on paper.

SS: Could you give some words of advice to beginning writers?

MPH: Join The League of Utah Writers, Romance Writers of America, or any other applicable writing organization you can. Meet other authors. Find a critique group. Attend faithfully. Write often (even if it’s just a few sentences a day). Realize rejection is part of the program. Keep at it. Don’t give up!

SS: Thanks so much Michele! I look forward to podcasting with you again very soon!

MPH: Thanks, Sheila. Hope this is what you had in mind.

You can purchase All the Stars in Heaven here:

