Welcome to our new website!
When LDS Women’s Book Review came into being in December of 2005, I never could have imagined what the following four years would bring. What started out as a simple book discussion with friends turned into a wonderful collection of amazing reads, author interviews & Whitney Award experiences.
During the last four years, Sheila, Hillary & I have also been through a variety of life adventures: three baby births- two of which were mine, going back to school- both to learn & to teach, an unexpected divorce, a variety of church callings, traveling spouses and general mommy craziness. Through it all, we’ve done our best to keep the podcast going. Reading is our “thing.” It’s our passion & our escape.
We hope you’ll enjoy this new format for the LDSWBR website. One of the many things I’ve learned along the way is how much I appreciate my tech-savvy hubby. He has done most of the website work in the past. This time, though, I expressed a desire to try to do most of the website setup & design myself. Except for a few technical difficulties where hubby needed to step in (what is php anyway???), he sat beside me showing his support and giving direction while I stumbled & eventually succeeded in figuring out what worked. Thanks, honey!
Past podcasts will be available both here & on the old website. I won’t be moving all the old content & comments to the new site, so if you’re new here, please go explore the old website (it won’t take long) as there’s some good stuff over there, especially in the comments.
Thank you for visiting LDSWBR! And thanks to all of our podcast listeners- we love you!
Happy Reading!
Shanda :)
PS- While you’re at it, you might want to re-bookmark the LDSWBR home page.
This past Saturday, Sheila & I had the privilege of interviewing author Tristi Pinkston on the LDSWBR podcast. She is such a sweet lady and a lot of fun to interview. Tristi brought along a copy of her most recent novel, Agent in Old Lace, so we could take a peek. She’d received the first copies of her book only days earlier, and was headed for her launch party right after the podcast. During the interview I managed to read a few pages and I can’t wait until it’s on book shelves so I can get my own copy! Let’s just say Tristi knows how to hook the reader right from the start. Tristi also told Sheila & I a little about her first three novels. They sounded so good I bought the copies she brought with her on the spot. I’m excited to join the ranks of those who have read and enjoyed Tristi’s books.
Tristi is in charge of the Story Makers Conference next year and she discussed with us some of what they have planned. There will be a few changes and improvements in anticipation for even more attendees than years past. I’m not an author, but even I want to go after hearing how much fun Sheila had at the Conference this year.
Watch for the release of Episode 34 to listen to the full interview. Thanks again, Tristi!
P.S. Visit Tristi’s blog: tristipinkston.blogspot.com and check this out while you’re at it!