Dorothy Keddington Fan Page

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For those of you who love Dorothy Keddington’s books, she has a new novel, The Fairy Thorn, due to be released later this fall. She’s also started working on her next book. We’ve put together this page so Dorothy’s fans can leave comments showing their support. What Dorothy Keddington novel did you read first? Which one is your favorite?

Comments from the old LDSWBR website:

To Dorothy Keddington,
I absolutely LOVE your books!  I borrowed them from a friend a few years ago and have been desperately searching for a place that sells all of your works since then.  Can you tell me where I can buy them?  -Tara White

Hey Dorothy, I am a huge fan of your work. Would you happen to have copies of your books for sale? I would love to be able to buy them. Thanks! -Roxie

To Dorothy Keddington: Absolutely love every one of your books. I read Return to Red Castle 18 years ago when I was 13 and then bought everyone of your books thereafter. They are on my bookshelf always and I love to read them again every few years.Thanks for writing such great novels. -Ada DeClark

I have been looking for Dorothy Keddington’s books for ages! (Sorry, but there’s something unethical to me in buying a used book, in barely acceptable condition, for $40! Even if it is totally worth it….) I would absolutely go crazy if they became available again. I’ve told everyone I know about them…and nobody has access to a copy. Dorothy, can’t you please get them back in print?????  -Jeanette Binns

Dorothy will your new book ‘the fairy thorn’ be out by christmas? Has anyone heard anything? I love her books. I have read all of them and I’m starting to collect them.  -maricela zavala

dorothy keddington helped me fall in love with books and reading. i would be OVERJOYED to read any new works of hers! and i have introduced many many friends and family to dorothy’s books and they would be just as happy for a new dorothy keddington story to get lost in. -aubrie

I first read Dorothy Keddington’s Jayhawk when my grandmother lent it to me. I loved it! I’ve since found a few more of hers at the BYU library, but I want to know if there is a way I can get a complete list of all her books. Does she have a website? Why are her books out of print?  -Tiffany

  44 Responses to “Dorothy Keddington Fan Page”

  1. I first read Jay Hawk in high school when a friend loaned it to me. She lent me the rest (of what she had) and fell in love with them! I have since purchased my own copies from various online places. Even have a signed one!
    I have a daughter who needed a book to read and gave her mermaids purse. She LOVED it! I have since started to read them all again. I just heard about Fairy Thorn and can’t wait till Friday when the bookstore will get more in! Thanks for being such a great author Dorothy! Keep em coming. ;o)

  2. I read Jayhawk first! My favorite book is Return to Red Castle, and Shadow Song. I love Dorthy’s books looking forward to a new book! I really didn’t like Aisling Eire or the Mermaid Purse! Loved Jayhawk and Flower in the wind. Love the love stories.

  3. I have read everyone of Dorothy’s books. I had the extreme pleasure of reading Return to Red Castle when it was in manuscript form and fell in love with it. I couldn’t wait for her to finish it. I wish that she would write sequels to the first three. It would be nice to see what Jay, Angela, Jesse, Melissa, and all the others have done. Dorothy is an outstanding author that I would let anyone of any age read her books. I look forward to the new ones.

  4. I have been an avid fan of Dorothy Keddinton since 2002, when a friend loaned the book, Jayhawk, to me. Luckily, she had all the books, passed down to her from her mother, and I read them as quickly as I could get my hands on them. Shortly after I had finished them all, the book, Aisling of Eire, was released, and I wondered if I had gone to literary heaven. This book had every possible wonderful element of a “curl up on a rainy day” read. I have read it at least four times! I am so glad that Dorothy Keddington is writing more books. She is one of my favorite guilty pleasures!

  5. I absolutly LOVE Dorothy Keddington’s books! I first read Return to Red Castle when my mom and i went to the library and she was telling me about these books and how they were her favorite books when she was in highschool. so we checked them all out and i read return to red castle and i fell in love!! i have also read aisling of eire and let me say i think i love that one more than return to red castle! i have also never seen my mom read so much since she found these books again! i plan to read them all and these are my favorite books and im only 14!

  6. Amazing work Dorothy!

  7. well i first read return to red castle when my mom took me to the library and she checked out all of dorothy’s books. I LOVED THEM! i just kept reading and reading! i have also NEVER seen my mom read so much in my life since she found these books again! i am in the process of reading mermaids purse which is so good! i have also read aisling of eire which is my favorite one! it was just written so beautifully and it was SO good! i will not read anything else until i read every last on of dorothy’s books! and im in 8th grade! these books will go on forever! amazing job dorothy!

  8. I love Dorothy Keddington’s books. My first read was Return to Red Castle, over 25 years ago. I loved Aisling of Eire and felt like her writing matured with me as I got older. Please keep writing!!!

  9. I LOVE Dorothy Keddington books. I’ve been re-reading all of her books AGAIN and felt like checking the internet to see if she was going to write again. Much to my delight I hear about her new book, The Fairy Thorn. I will be purchasing it soon.
    I would struggle to pick my favorite, I guess it depends on my mood, because at one point or another each of her books has been my favorite.

  10. I LOVE all of Dorothy Keddington books! The first book I read was Jayhawk. I absolutely loved it. I’m not sure I could pick a favorite because I’ve enjoyed all of them. I’m currently re-reading all of her books and I cannot wait for her new book. I’m so glad to hear that she is still writing. Keep the books coming, they are wonderful.

  11. There are no words to describe the greatness of Dorothy Keddington’s books. Her books have been a huge part of my life and I think about the stories often and wish I had the talent to write such wonderful stories. My favorite book is Return to Red Castle. Don’t we all wish we could be Melissa? Sigh…I can’t wait to read the new books!

  12. Dorthy I loved you before your first book Jayhawk. You where an awsome young woman’s leader. Thank you for the great books.

  13. I just read Jayhawk for my first time. I loved it, and if Jayhawk is any indication of what your books are like…I can’t wait to read more of them!

    • Barbara,

      Jayhawk is my favorite. (Can you believe that it was her first book and that she wrote it while still in high school??) And yes, it is a great indicator of what the rest of her books are like. :)

      Thank you for commenting!

      Shanda :)

  14. The first novel I read of Dorothy Keddington was Flower of the Winds. After that, I was addicted. I love each and every novel I’ve read of Ms Keddingtons. The writing is so poetic and lyrical and I feel instantly transported to the setting of each book. Her books, more than almost any others I’ve read, have such a unique voice.

  15. I love everything Dorothy Keddington writes. My absolute favorite favorite is Flowers of the Winds. I’ve gone through two copies because I read them so much, they practically fell apart:-)

    • I think all of us have a copy or two that have fallen apart from rereading. It’s great to have books we love so much!

  16. Dorthy my mother gave me your two books Jayhawk and Return to Red Castle for Christmas this year and once I read them I fell in love with the way you write. I am a thirteen year old and usally never reads but was hooked the second I picked these books up.

  17. Hi there Dorothy… Just wanted to let you know that your book A square sky is the first book I ever read without skipping pages. I really enjoyed it. And having dyslexia it means a lot to me. I never thought that I would ever enjoy a book, but you made that happen! Thank you so very much.

    Sincerely, Kriss ( Gillian’s daughter ) :)

  18. Wow, I didn’t really know that you have some books coming out soon. I read my mom’s copy of Red Castle when I was in high school a few years back. :) I’m excited to check out your latest!

  19. Velma Says
    April 5, 2011
    I loved the book I loved the story, I was just a little disappointed in some of the of language you thought you needed to put in it, the story would have stood on it’s own. I know it was only a few words but that is why I read books by L.D.S. authors, I really want them to be clean.

    • You’re kidding, right? Dorothy’s books are not only completely wholesome, they’re GOOD! You won’t find more engaging and “clean” titles in the marketplace! There is nothing about her writing that is disrespectful in any way!

  20. I love all of Dorothy Keddingtons book, one of my favorites is “A Square Sky”. I have never really been into reading biographies but this one is awesome. I also love all of her other books! I have read them all several times. I am excited that they are being reprinted so I can buy all of them!

  21. Shadow Song has been my favorite since high school. I reread it the other day and it was every bit as good.

  22. Mrs. Keddington,

    I am 13 years old. Last year, my mother directed me to ‘Shadow Song’ when I couldnt find another book to read. After that I was smitten. I didnt think to look for more of your books, but just two days ago I discovered it our book shelf ‘The Mermaids Purse’ and ‘Flower of the winds’. They are both now finished and I am franticly waiting for Monday so I can search the library for ‘Jay Hawke’ and ‘Return to Redcastle’, and any other I can find! I love the way you write and I have been working on my own novel, inspiration for it born through your books. I love your style and hope you continue writing and I can continue reading!!!!!!!!

  23. Your daughter-in-law (Burgandi) lent me most of your books and i got hooked up with the first one. I read a book a day until i finished them all. I love them all but my favorite are Jayhawk and Return to red Castle. Just live them..

  24. I love all your books. I would like to know when Hearth Fires will be out. Please let me know.

  25. A friend told me about Aisling of Eire. I do tons of family history research and felt that was the best book on that subject I have ever read. I just found a few more in the library and am about to reread Aisling and a add Jayhawk. Such well written books are classics- and not hanky panky. I never used to read the prefaces to books, but do now and there are many references to LDS assistance; I am LDS and am wondering if Dorothy is.

  26. I started reading Dorothy Keddington as a teenager. The local library knew me by name and always had her books ready for me. I even tried to write her a few times but by then she must have had different addresses then printed in the books. My family always going camping in the Uintahs during the summer and I read Return to Red Castle EVERY SINGLE year at least during this trip if not more. This is by far my favorite book.

    By the time I entered college I had read each of her 6 novels about twenty to thirty times each. Now I have officially stopped counting. I have an amazing husband who bought me all her books but sadly I loaned they out and a couple where damaged/ruined and a couple never Someday I’ll invest in them again but for now the library here has begun seeing me checking them out again. Only problem is no matter how many times I have read it, I have a hard time putting it down until its done. And I always need tissues!!

    I already loved the name Esther for a girl, my 3 boys have names that have Irish links. Ever since Aisling of Eire came out I have been wanting my own Aisling.

    Thank you Dorothy for your amazing gift. I would absolutely LOVE to meet you and talk to you. Thank you for writing again. Thank you for making books that I could read as a teenager/young adult/mother that are wholesome while still romantic. I am so glad there will be good books for upcoming young women.

  27. I love these books! I have read Jayhawk, Return to Red Castle, Shadow Song, Aisling of Eire, and The Fairy Thorn… I am wondering if there are more…

  28. First to Sue Maxwell, yes, Dorothy Keddington is LDS.

    I love her books. Have done so for 30 years. My first read was Return to Red Castle. I have ready all her books, and it is still my favorite! I’m excited that she has started writing again and look forward to the book after Fairy Thorn.

  29. I have read all of Dorothy’s books numerous times. I am wondering when they will be available for the Kindle. I would LOVE that. Also, so excited to hear there are more books coming!!!

  30. Jay hawk was the first DK book I read. I fell in love with the way her words painted pictures in my mind. I have read Return to Red Castle about 17 times. My all time favorite is Flower of the Winds. I even have a granddaughter named Kasenya! A used Dorothy Keddington book is worth the price you have to pay. Especially the older books. I love them!

  31. Jay hawk was the first DK book I read. I fell in love with the way her words painted pictures in my mind. I have read Return to Red Castle about 17 times. My all time favorite is Flower of the Winds. I even have a granddaughter named Kasenya! A used Dorothy Keddington book is worth the price you have to pay. Especially the older books. I love them! More books , please!

  32. I absalutely love your books dorothy I read return to redcastle four years ago when i was in seventh grade when my grandma loaned it to me and its been my favorite book ever since!!! I love all your books and I admire your style of writting and amazing romance ideas. Your books really are warm and wonderful :) thank you for utilizing your gift in such wonderful pieces!

  33. Please offer your books on kindle

  34. My utmost favorite-est book is Return to Red Castle. I hogged the only copy from the Library when I was a kid, I read it so much, that I had to buy my own copy. My summer is not complete until I have read Return to Red Castle at least once! I would love to see what adventures Jesse & Melissa had after their first night in the teepee. I had tried to find me a Jesse Chisholm to marry, but alas, to no avail….

  35. I first read Jayhawk 20 years ago when i was staying with my grandparents and looking for something to read from their bookshelves. I was hooked! I now own Return to Red Castle, Jayhawk, Flower of the Winds and Shadow Song. I re-read them ALL the time and love them still. I think Return to Red Castle is my Favorite! Would love a million more of your books!

  36. I purchased my copy of ‘Return To Red Castle’ when my daughter was a teenager. She absolutely loved it! (as did I). She talked to everyone she knew about how they had to read this fantastic story.

    Even after her mission she still encouraged people to make sure they read that book. Through the years we have purchased and loved all your books, and now Kandace is married with children of her own, ‘Red Castle’ is still one of her all time favorite books.

    She & I were privileged to meet you. It was a time we haven’t forgotten.

  37. I never comment on anything but when I saw this page I just knew I had too. I love Dorothy Keddington books. I read my first one when I was in high school and it started my love affair with books.I now own over 3000 books but my favorites are still the Dorothy Keddington ones. Every time I visit a book store I look for her books hoping to find a new one I’ve never read before and today was my lucky day, I found The Fairy Thorn, I can’t wait to start it. I didn’t even know she was still writing books but I’m so glad. I love her books so much that every time I see one I have to buy it just in case the ones I already have get ruined. I now own about four copies of every book. She definitely needs to write more books.

  38. I would love to have her books on my Kindle. I read and re read them every year. My all time favorite in Return to Red Castle.

  39. I read Jay Hawk and was hooked. It inspired me to become a writer. I was a closet writer for many years and her book inspired me to take classes and I was also one of her students. I have read and gotten autographs for most of her releases. Thank you for your likes on Face book, Dorothy. Maybe one day soon my book will be here on this site. Christine Roundy

  40. I discovered Dorothy in my local library back in the mid 80’s. Jayhawk had all the elements of suspense and romance, intrigue and action that my teenage mind wanted, wrapped up in such a detailed story that I could picture myself there in every scene. After a childhood friend blessed me with the gift of Jayhawk years later, it prompted me to contact Dorothy and she was kind enough to sell me several books and included a personalized thought and autograph with each. I am picking up Hearth Fires and The Fairy Thorn today and I CAN’T WAIT! I will have all of her books then as far as I know and it is my most treasured collection. Sorry, but I don’t lend mine out…couldn’t stand the thought of losing even one! Dorothy, if you read this, you have been my very favorite author for over 30 years now and I would love to be able to write half as well as you do. God bless you and thank you for many hours of delight.

  41. I had to leave another comment now that I’ve read Hearth Fires and The Fairy Thorn. I hated to start them because I knew then within a day or two, I would have them devoured. I was right and Dorothy didn’t let me down. Amazing books and even more edge of your seat than ever. When will the next one come out???

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