Shanda told me about this series, and I was intrigued. I love Peter Pan. (It’s also one my favorite rides at Disneyland.) It originally was a series of three, but fans wanted more, so the authors released Peter and the Sword of Mercy last year.
The first book is Peter and the Star Catchers. Peter starts his journey in an orphanage. He and a bunch of boys are put on a boat headed to the Rundoon to be slaves to the king. In Starcatchers we are introduced to many key players in the books. And the mysterious starstuff, which carries the plot of Peter’s books. Molly Aster, her father Leonard, Fighting Prawn (leader of the Mollusks tribe), Slank, Mister Grin, Smee, and Black Stache (aka the future Captain Hook) are introduced. So many exciting things happen in this book. There are explanations as to the mysteries of Peter, how he flies, mermaids, the Lost Boys, why Peter doesn’t age, how Neverland gets its name… Too many to name. And, at the end, a special character is born. There is a little bit of unnecessary language, and references, but not in the others.
The second is Peter and the Shadow Thieves. It takes place shortly after Starcatchers. It’s a little darker (which I liked) and really exciting. Peter needs to make it to London to warn Molly of some danger coming to harm her. It takes a couple unnecessary turns that I didn’t love. But, during it, Peter runs into a gentleman named James Barrie (the original writer of the Peter Pan story). He gives some directions that are reminiscent of finding your way to Neverland. The villain, along with others, is Lord Ombra. A shadow thief, that steals shadows to get others to do his bidding. I can’t really go into too much detail without revealing the plots from this and Starcatchers. The end is so exciting, that I had to finish, even though it was 1:00 am.
The Secret of Rondoon grabs you at the start, and doesn’t let go. There is so much action and excitement. Peter is in trouble with The Others, and is wanted in the city of Rundoon because of his “special abilities”. In this third book, you find out about Peter’s parents, and why Peter survived a certain event that took place in Starcatchers. Molly is back, along with George Darling who helped in the second book. Mollusk Island is in trouble and is taken over by a vicious tribe of savages called the Scorpions. This book is in a slight lead for my favorite, closely followed by the fourth. Rundoon has great action and suspense, we are introduced again to characters that were in the first, but not mentioned again until this book.
Peter and the Sword of Mercy takes place 23 years after Rundoon. An old nemesis is back and causing trouble in the palace. He’s after a key to finding more starstuff. We’re introduced to the Skeleton, who is a very intense and scary character. Molly and George married, and get themselves in a pickle, so this time around it’s Wendy (their daughter) who needs Peter’s help. Who can they trust? The police are corrupt and there is danger everywhere they go. Peter is afraid, and seems sad in Mercy. But, creative and surprising things happen on this adventure and old friends are in need of help too. Great ending. I hope there is a Book 5.
What got old for me: In the first three, Lord Aster is, understandably, protective of his daughter and doesn’t want her coming along, or getting herself in trouble, but she always does, and helps save the day. I just wanted him to accept the fact that she is capable of helping, and didn’t need to be held back.
What I liked the most: Each book have many different sub plots going. Peter’s activities, Molly’s, the island, Hook. Each plot is exciting and page turning.
Four stars for the series.
I would definitely read it again.
I would and have read others from these guys. Actually, just Ridley Pearson. He wrote The Kingdom Keepers series, which I really enjoyed.
Peter and the Starcatchers/Peter and the Shadow Thieves/Peter and the Secret of Rundoon/Peter and the Sword of Mercy
Authors: Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson
Publisher: Disney Edition/Hyperion Books for Children
ISBN: Starcatchers 0-7868-5445-6 Published 2004 451 pages
Shadow Thieves 0-7868-3787-X Published 2006 556 pages
Rundoon ISBN -13: 978-078683788-5 ISBN-10: 078683788-8 Published 2007 482 pages
Mercy 978-142312134-3 Published 2009 515 pages
FTC: all books were checked out from the library.