Father’s Day is on Sunday. I have always loved Father’s Day because I have been blessed with such a great Dad. He has been one of the most influential people in my life and one of my best friends.
We used to work together at the Old IGA store he co-owned in Blackfoot Idaho. My Dad was the meatcutter and I wrapped the meat. We had some of the best talks about every facet of life; work, school, boys and the gospel. One of my best memories was of Saturday Morning Conference. We would listen to conference in the meat department while we worked. Elder Bruce R. McConkie was speaking that morning. The testimony he bore that day, left no doubts in ours minds, that he was preparing to go back home to our Heavenly Father. Elder McConkie passed away 13 days after conference.
(On April 19, 1985, Elder Bruce R. McConkie passed away in Salt Lake City. He was 69 years old. He had battled against cancer for more than a year, undergoing surgery for colon cancer in January 1984. He subsequently returned full-time to his apostolic duties while continuing chemotherapy treatment. His last public appearance was on April 6, when he addressed the Church’s general conference. {Information provided by http://www.gapages.com/mcconbr1.htm})
As we worked and listened, the spirit was so strong and it was a bonding moment for my Dad and I. I remember standing there as we both had tears in our eyes listening to the words Elder McConkie was delivering.
Here is an excerpt from that address:
Perhaps Elder McConkie’s most stirring testimony was delivered in General Conference just days before his death:
“I am one of his witnesses, and in a coming day I shall feel the nail marks in his hands and in his feet and shall wet his feet with my tears.
“But I shall not know any better then I know now that he is God’s Almighty Son, that he is our Savior and Redeemer, and that salvation comes in and through his atoning blood and in no other way.” (Ensign, May 1985, p. 11.)
His words still stir my heart and bring tears to my eyes. To have known the Savior that well and show such happiness at being with him again; this was a true witness of Christ. Elder McConkie was and still is a powerful example of a man of God who lived to learn the truths of the gospel and share this knowledge with others.
I am so grateful that I have been able to share fun times and spiritual moments with my own dad. He is a wonderful man whom I will always love and admire so much.
If you are looking for some gift ideas or just some good books to read about fathers, the priesthood etc., here are a few you might be interested in.

In this sequel to his bestselling book, Men of Valor, Robert L. Millet describes how men can become “men of influence,” thereby blessing their families and neighborhoods— even the world. How are we enabled to receive the Lord’s power? Brother Millet explains that maturing spiritually isn’t accomplished merely by being “active” in the Church and holding a current temple recommend, although those are necessary.
Men of Influence encourages men to achieve that connection between heaven and earth which eventually makes a good man into a holy man, transforming a noble man into a man who can lift the world. If you feel you’re living beneath your potential as a priesthood bearer (or if someone you love is), this book provides inspiration and practical advice to enable you to become one of the Lord’s valiant servants.

Sports: Life Lessons from Court, Field, and Gridiron by John Bytheway
Why do we love sports so much? Perhaps it’s because a basketball, baseball, or football game is like a miniature lifetime―an unscripted, unpredictable drama where determination, adversity, persistence, exhilaration, and disappointment are all acted out in front of us.
The last-second three-pointer. The ninth-inning grand slam. The fourth and goal to go with time running out. In so many ways, the drama of sports mirrors the drama of life, where we all strive to overcome adversity and defeat with courage and determination. Drawing from the observations and stories of coaches, players, Church leaders, and even a few personal experiences, John Bytheway presents life lessons from the wide world of sports that all will appreciate. (Parents will appreciate that he also includes a few lessons not to learn from sports, including boasting, taunting, and the like.) Athletes, former athletes, and armchair quarterbacks of all ages will enjoy Sports: Life Lessons from Court, Field, and Gridiron.

Mormon Scientist: The Life and Faith of Henry Eyring by Henry J. Eyring
Twice in the final years of his life, Elder Neal A. Maxwell told a grandson of Henry Eyring’s, “You need to write your grandfather’s story.” This is that story of Henry Eyring, perhaps the Church’s most acclaimed scientist. It is a book about science and Mormonism, written to be easily understood by newcomers to both subjects. It demonstrates why one of the Church’s highest-profile intellectuals was also one of its humblest believers. In fact, this story of Henry Eyring shows how intellect and belief go hand-in-hand and how simple, faithful people can change the world.

Priesthood Power: Blessing the Sick and Afflicted by Larry Barkdull
Administering to the sick is a powerful ordinance, charged with symbolism and meaning that strike at the heart of our priesthood commission. This book answers many questions pertaining to this sacred ordinance. For example, what does the oil represent? Why are two or more elders typically required? How do we become the hands, arms, and voice of Jesus Christ? How should we prepare to bless? A must-have for every bearer of the Melchizedek Priesthood or for anyone preparing for the priesthood.
“Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church….” Our commission in the Melchizedek Priesthood is the same that Jesus gave to His Apostles when He sent them forth to serve: “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.”

A Father’s Blessing: The Power and Privilege of the Priesthood by Kenneth M. Page
As an Air Force pilot with twenty-five years of experience, Kenneth M. Page draws upon his knowledge of flying to create the Parable of the Beacon, in which he compares fathers’ blessings to spiritual beacons. “A part of us yearns for things spiritual, for a sense of direction in life, for that heavenly beacon to guide us home.”
Page believes that many fathers don’t recognize the importance of such blessings in raising their families, “and, as a result, end up offering them spiritual crumbs while foregoing the feast to which the Lord has invited us.”
Using personal experience, the experiences of others, and examples from scriptures and Church history, Kenneth Page reminds us how wondrous the gift of a father’s blessing can be in the lives of his family members–children, spouse, and the priesthood holder as well.
These are just a few examples of some good gift ideas that can be found at Deseret Book. There are many more ideas including some fun games, good church music and the old stand by “ties.”
Happy Father’s Day to all of the men out there!
Please also go visit my other blog where I reviewed the new romance novel, PickUp Games by Marcia Mickelson. http://whynotbecauseisaidso.blogspot.com/