Jun 202013

InHisHandsIn His Hands: A Mother’s Journey through the Grief of Sudden Loss

Author: Jenny Hess

Publisher: Covenant Communications

Published Date: May 2013

Softcover: 216 pages

Genre: Religious Nonfiction

ISBN# 9781621082514

Reviewed by: Shanda

FTC FYI: received a digital review copy in exchange for an honest review


With the sudden loss of a loved one comes an unavoidable fork in the road. Some succumb to anger and despair, while others seek strength in the healing power of Jesus Christ. When faced with paralyzing sorrow, how can one truly find peace and perspective? In His Hands offers a candid portrait of grief in which one family fights to find a way out of the black hole of grief and into the arms of the Savior. Author Jenny Hess invites readers on her journey from heartache to healing, from the shattering loss of her young son to her personal quest for hope. With grace and wisdom, the heavenly insights gained by one woman navigating through her darkest hours demonstrate that though grief is achingly painful, there are tender mercies to be found along the path.


Recently, there has been a theme appearing in my life–in books I have been asked to review, in the last Relief Society lesson I prepared and taught, in the conference talks I have read for my morning devotional. The message surrounding me lately is of submitting my will to the Lord, realizing that I can do nothing of myself, that I am utterly indebted to my Savior, and the only thing that is mine to give Him is my will.

I was reminded of this yet again while reading In His Hands, as author Jenny Hess shares the very personal, heart-wrenching and incredibly spiritual experiences of her family after the sudden death of her four-year-old son, Russell.

She opens her heart and history for all to read, sharing the good, the bad, and even some of the ugly, while also bearing her testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel, the incredible gift of the Atonement and Resurrection, and her love of our Savior and Heavenly Father. She doesn’t gloss over the pain and loss she experienced, is still experiencing, after Russell’s death, and yet I couldn’t help but feel the hope of the gospel woven through everything she shared.

I was moved to tears several times. First for the loss the Hess family experienced when their son and brother passed away so suddenly, then later when my heart was touched by the Spirit as Jenny related the experiences that followed, sharing her testimony again and again. In both bitter and sweet times, the Savior’s supporting hand was evident, even if not realized at that exact moment. As a mother of a six-year-old boy, my only son, my heart ached for Jenny as I read, yet my heart was full as I felt the strength her testimony.

In His Hands is more than a book for family members suffering the loss of a loved one. It is a book for everyone. It carries a message of hope through the reality of dark times and testifies of the grand plan of happiness for eternity that exists because of the unconditional and never-ending love of our Heavenly Father and our Savior.

Watch the video about Jenny and her family on Mormon.org

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