Author: Carol Warburton
Publisher: Covenant Communications
Published: September 2010
Softcover: 254 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1-59811-902-2
FTC FYI: I borrowed from the library
I think the first thing that grabbed me about this book was the cover. The girl is beautiful, and who doesn’t love horses? The Legend of Shannonderry is a finalist for a 2010 Whitney award in the romance category.
Moira Donahue lives at Shannonderry. A once beautiful estate in Ireland, famous for it’s stallions many years ago. Shannonderry is falling apart, and is in need of a miracle. Moira knows her daughter, Dierdre, died in childbirth and had a child. She summons a trusted neighbor Cormac D’Arcy to go to England, find her grandchild, and see if she would like to come live with her at Shannonderry. Cormac was worried, he didn’t want the old woman hurt. What if she didn’t want to come?
Gwyneth Beddows was born in England in 1788. When her mother, Dierdre, died in childbirth there was a controversy surrounding her. As Gwyneth grows up, her father does not treat her well. Gwyneth raised a feisty stallion, Toryn, and he is the only thing that brings her joy. He is fast and beautiful, but will only let a few people around him. One day when a stranger comes from Ireland with an offer to take her from Yorkshire to Shannonderry, she eagerly accepts. There may be a catch. They have to sneak away. When Gwyneth arrives in Ireland she is immediately accepted by her grandmother. Her nanny, Kate, that was sent away years ago by her father, is also there. It is a happy reunion. But, there is a lot more to this story. As it progresses the “legend of Shannonderry” is told and things happen that prove the difficult relationship with the English and Irish.
4 out of 5 stars. I really enjoyed this book. I loved the developing relationship between Gwyneth and Cormac, and with Gwyneth and her grandmother as well.
Carol Warburton has written four other books. On a personal note… I was thrilled when I read the acknowledgments. She is in a writing group with my dear aunt, Dorothy M. Keddington.