Before I did my first review, I wanted everyone to get to know me, and the books I like. I’m a 35 year old (today is my birthday actually) mom of three girls. And wife to an incredible guy, who is such a hard worker and supports us with all he’s got.
My reading style is mainly YA fiction fantasy/scifi. I also read some JF fantasy/fiction. I do branch out, and am more then willing to do so. But, as you can see from the list below, I am a sucker for series books. I love that there is more to a story. I’ve put together a list some of my all-time favorites.
If I were asked what my favorite of series was, it would be Breaking Dawn. But, they are all so addictingly (I know that’s not a word, but I don’t care) wonderful.
My favorites are The Deathly Hallows and The Half-Blood Prince. I feel that when it comes to Harry, that no further explanation is needed :).
This series is so fun. Artemis is great character. He’s a brilliant 12 year old who wants to kidnap a fairy, and gets away with it. So, at first, he’s the villain. My favorite of the six books are: The Eternity Code and The Time Paradox
These books are amazing, which also happen to be my favorite movies.
When I first heard of this book, I wasn’t too sure I was going to enjoy it, it sounded so violent. Even though it was (:), I loved it. It was fascinating, and such a mind-blowing story. I loved Catching Fire as well and can not wait for Mockingjay.
I am a huge Fablehaven fan. I loved this series. But, this picture is here because it was my favorite. So many surprising things happened, I think I finished with my mouth open in awe.
This book and author is very special to me. I am very honored to be Dorothy Keddington’s niece. She is my wonderful “Aunt Rae”. So, picking a favorite of hers is hard because they are all spectacular. But, alas, I think Shadow Song is at the top of the list.
I just read this book about a month ago, and it instantly became an all-time fav. The story is amazing, sweet, funny, and tear worthy. I won’t go too much into it, because it may show up soon in more detail… hint hint

This is oldie but a goodie. I honestly haven’t read it since I was young, but I loved the story. Love and life lasting forever sounded pretty good when I was waiting for those certain boys to call when I was a love-struck teen.
This is another that I have read recently, but loved instantly. It’s another story like Hunger Games, not kids fighting to the death, but (what am I trying to say ?) a very different story to swallow. In the future, if a child is “unwanted” when he/she turns 13, their parents can choose to unwind them. But, it doesn’t work out the way the creators wanted it to. Gripping story.
I have read everything from this gal, Jessica, and this is my favorite.
As with above, I have read all of Shannon’s as well. I love this whole series. Goose Girl and River Secrets are my favorites.
The Maze Runner is another that got me right at the start. I couldn’t stop until I knew what was going to happen.
Here’s a little taste of the books I love and read. It’s funny, when I finished Harry, I thought I would never find anything else to read that I would enjoy as much. When my sister told me about Twilight, I thought the same thing. But, thankfully, I got brave and realized there are numerous amounts of very enjoyable books out there. I am so excited and grateful for this opportunity. When I finish a great book, I want to shout it from the roof tops, and now I get that chance!